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"How to Find a Holistic Health Solution Beyond Just Medication"

So many times when we are not well and have tried so many things we tend to give up hope of ever feeling well again. We resign ourselves to the fact that "well this is my life now", or "I will never lose weight again" or "these headaches and fatigue are just my new way of life". But this does not have to be the only option. Let's start by introducing myself. My name is Lee Marais and I am the owner of Essential Health Wellness Centre (Pty) Limited in Durban, KZN. I started Essential Health in 2004 working alone to now having 4 practitioners working in a healing centre in Gillitts Durban.

We have heard people saying that they never knew they could feel this good again, after coming to see us. They are shocked at their energy levels, their sleep improvements, their hormone improvements and more. And the reason this works is that we look at the PERSON not the DISEASE. Disease in the end is only a body working at DIS-EASE. So what we do is look at what is not in balance and put it into balance using holistic approaches such as plant based medicine and at times Chiropractic treatments, Activation Bars treatments, Ozone therapy and the like.

In 2023 we bought Health Basket in Willowbridge Mall. We did this so that we could offer a wider solution based approach to health in the Western Cape as opposed to just a plain retail store. So far we have done a few DNA tests for clients who have bought from Health Basket but didn't feel that the medications were optimal for them. These clients have been surprised by the results they received on their DNA tests and were so happy that the REAL reason for their issues was highlighted.

So how do we do this?

Step 1: Cut a small piece of hair (approx 1 inch) or nails. Place them in an envelope or bank bag. Write your name, number, date of birth, blood type if you have it and email address on the envelope.

Step 2: Send sealed envelope via Postnet to Postnet Hillcrest for Attention Lee and phone number 0829290367

Step 3: Wait for us to contact you to find out about which reporting you would like. You are able to do a voice note report at R518 or R633 for a full typed report. These reports take a little while so therefore if you are waiting for a full typed report you may wait for 2 weeks for results.

Step 4: Results are then sent to you with proposed ways to rectify issues

So what do these DNA tests tell you? EVERYTHING

We divide the results into 3 sections:

  • Musculoskeletal System

  • Digestive and Immune Systems

  • Hormonal System

  • Heart and Brain and Circulatory Systems

Under each of these we look for ALL imbalances. Parasitic infection. Viral Infections. Bacterial Infection. Imbalances. Hormonal disruption. Function of all organs. Acidity. Emotional imbalances. Genetic issues. Detoxification issues. Allergies or sensitivity to foods and much much more. Seeing is believing that is all I can say!

Once we have seen where the DIS-EASE is in the body we will then put together a protocol for you for a month to 3 months depending on the ailment and imbalance in the body. Whereby we redo the hair sample to recheck your entire body and to track progress.

All we can tell you is that seeing is believing. If you need more convincing about what we do take a look at our website:

To see more what Health Basket stocks visit our shop on

For any more information on these tests above please contact Josh on 0716051573

We waiting for your call. This could be your call to wellness

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