It could be more than what you think?
Ever heard the phrase "Oh its because you are stressed that you are feeling this way"?
Well that's the truth, but HOW? WHY?
Could it be that your CRANIAL NERVES are in trouble and not functioning well?
A quick look at what the cranial nerves are and what do they do for your body:
Check out this juicy beef burger.

Doesn’t it look delicious? Eating something yummy like this involves a lot of processes.
First, you lay your eyes on it,
Then you start to smell the crispy bacon, the gooey cheese, and yup! My mouth is watering.
Then, you sink your teeth into the bun, and taste your first bite of heaven.
Before you know it, it’s chewed up, swallowed and beginning to be digested by your stomach.
Crucial to every step of this delicious experience is an interesting and complex group of nerves, known as the CRANIAL NERVES.
The cranial nerves can be identified by their names as well as by the roman numerals one to twelve, and let’s run through them quickly now. So, we have the olfactory nerve, the optic nerve, the oculomotor nerve, the trochlear nerve, the trigeminal nerve, the abducens nerve, the facial nerve, the vestibulocochlear nerve, the glossopharyngeal nerve, the vagus nerve, the accessory nerve, and finally, the hypoglossal nerve.

But the main one we want to discuss is the VAGUS NERVE.
So the vagus nerve is the most widely distributed of all the cranial nerves and, funnily enough, vagus means wandering in Latin. And the vagus nerve is a mixed nerve, meaning that it consists of both motor and sensory nerve fibers.
It provides sensory information to various structures including the heart, the lungs, the palate, the pharynx, the larynx, the trachea, the bronchi, and the external ear. And the vagus nerve also carries special sensory fibers for taste from around the epiglottis and the pharynx to the brain. Furthermore, this nerve supplies parasympathetic innervation to the smooth muscle and glands found in the pharynx, the larynx, the organs of the thorax and the organs of the foregut and the midgut, and remember that the parasympathetic innervation generally results in what’s commonly known as the rest and digest response, meaning that it does things like slow our heart rate and get our stomach and small intestine busy at digesting our recently inhaled burger.
So what happens if the VAGUS nerve is not functioning correctly? Autonomic Dysfunction.
Want to know if you may possibly be suffering from Autonomic Dysfunction. Click on the document below and take the quiz
If you answer YES to 5 or more of these questions you need help with your Vagus nerve. Get in touch with us on for further information