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Pain? Ringing? Dizziness? Blocked? Selective hearing? Etc.?

So many people young and small complain about their ears in many different ways. And have been from pillar to post to find a cause....but no help Firstly let's look at what the ears are meant to do:

The ear is the organ of hearing and balance. The parts of the ear include: External or outer ear, consisting of: Pinna or auricle. This is the outside part of the ear. External auditory canal or tube. This is the tube that connects the outer ear to the inside or middle ear. Tympanic membrane (eardrum). The tympanic membrane divides the external ear from the middle ear. Middle ear (tympanic cavity), consisting of: Ossicles. Three small bones that are connected and transmit the sound waves to the inner ear. The bones are called: Malleus Incus Stapes Eustachian tube. A canal that links the middle ear with the back of the nose. The eustachian tube helps to equalize the pressure in the middle ear. Equalized pressure is needed for the proper transfer of sound waves. The eustachian tube is lined with mucous, just like the inside of the nose and throat. Inner ear, consisting of: Cochlea. This contains the nerves for hearing. Vestibule. This contains receptors for balance. Semicircular canals. This contains receptors for balance.

Yes we recognize there are bacteria and viruses and other pathogens which cause ear problems, but what happens if it's NOT any of those? What happens if it's something else? Let's see what could be the cause of your ear issues.

Our body is run by nerves. Nothing works without it. So how do nerves affect the ear? Four sensory nerves supply the external ear: (1) greater auricular nerve, (2) lesser occipital nerve, (3) auricular branch of the vagus nerve, and (4) auriculotemporal nerve.

The great auricular nerve originates from the neck nerves, composed of branches of spinal nerves C2 and C3.

It provides sensation for the skin over parotid gland and mastoid process, and both surfaces of the outer ear. Pain resulting from parotitis is caused by an impingement on the great auricular nerve.

The lesser occipital nerve or small occipital nerve is a cutaneous spinal nerve arising between the first and second cervical vertebrae, along with the greater occipital nerve. It innervates the scalp in the lateral area of the head posterior to the ear.

Auricular branch of Vagus Nerve:

The auricular branch of the vagus nerve supplies sensory innervation to the skin of the ear canal, tragus, and auricle.

The auriculotemporal nerve is a branch of the mandibular nerve that provides sensation to several regions on the side of your head, including the jaw, ear, and scalp.

The ear also is affected by MUSCLES:

Muscle knots located in the neck and upper back/shoulder area can cause headaches, neck, and other head and neck pain. Muscle knots can cause headaches on the side of the head, the top of the head, behind and over the eye.

Head and neck muscle knots, which consist of tight and contracted muscles, as per the red area in the illustrations below indicates “referred pain” – meaning, the pain you feel is often not in the location of your trigger point until you press on it. As an example, you may feel pain behind the eye, but the trigger point may actually be in the base of your neck.

Muscle knots in the neck can also cause jaw pain, tooth pain, TMJ symptoms, and pain within the ear. Muscle knots in the muscle responsible for shrugging the shoulders or bringing the shoulders towards the ear, the upper Trapezius, can create a “question mark” headache pattern around the ear.

Then there is the effect meridians have on the ears:

Meridians connect all major organ systems. Each meridian plays a specific and crucial role in the health of the entire body. If the energy flowing through a meridian is imbalanced in any way, the system it fuels is jeopardized, and disease may result. The following meridians affect the ears directly:






So if these meridians are out of balance your ears won't be working effectively.

Then let's look at EMOTIONS and how they affect the ears:

Ear problems, in general, represent the following – Right ear: Challenges in the right ear represent the thought process: “I don’t want to hear it!” A child is extra sensitive to what others are saying to them or around them.  They may even be fearful of what they are hearing around them.  Or they are shutting out criticism or conflict around them. Left ear: Challenges in the left ear represent the thought process: “I don’t want to listen to myself” A child is extra sensitive, fearful or not wanting to hear their inner voice or thought process.  Or they are avoiding internal criticism or conflict.

So as you can see, your body is an amazing thing and can be a little complicated. So if you are not sure about what is going on with your ears we can help you!

Book an appointment now:

031 171 0187

082 929 0367

083 654 9943

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